Innovative Cam Strap Design to Match Innovate Overlanding
Innovative Cam Strap Design to Match Innovate Overlanding

If you've been reading along, you know we're big fans of overlanding ourselves and of supporting the overlanding community. We talk about the different overlanding rigs, journeys, and destinations and even how to make the best use of all that equipment overlanders tend to buy.

We thought it might be fun to explore a few of the more exciting aspects of overlanding by using our cam straps as a launching point for illustration. You might think we have collectively lost our minds by the time you're finished reading, but at least give it a chance. Below are three ways our cam straps illustrate the wonders of overlanding:

Our Patented Cam Buckles Are Unique

Our product is superior because of its unique design. Our patented design uses a roller that reduces friction as you pull the webbing strap through our cam buckle. Adding the roller to our design makes using Rollercam cam straps easier and safer. That's because our buckles are more efficient in the work they do, have conservative max load estimations, and can be pulled tight with just one hand.

What does this have to do with overlanding? Well, overlanding itself is unique. Outsiders look at it as nothing more than glorified camping. But insiders know there is so much more to it than that. Every overlanding trip is unique in and of itself. Every journey is different. Sometimes the differences are slight, and other times, they are significant.

Our Cam Straps Keep Things Secure

Next, our patented cam straps keep your cargo secure. Granted, this particular characteristic is not unique to Rollercam. All tie-downs are designed for cargo securement. But our cam straps do a better job due to their efficient design, prevention of frictional loss, and minimum displacement at the working load limit. They hold your cargo more securely because it is easier to get our cam straps as tight as you want them.

This characteristic aligns with overlanding because overlanding keeps you grounded. Think about it. It is easy to get so wrapped up in your career, the next big thing, keeping up with the Joneses, etc., that you start thinking you are more important than the world around you. You start thinking that the world actually revolves around you and what makes you happy.

On the other hand, take a trip into the breathtaking Utah wilderness, and you suddenly remember that the real world is a whole lot bigger. You realize that you are just one small part of a vast planet that is, in and of itself, just one small part of a seemingly endless galaxy. That will keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, just like our straps keep your gear firmly secure.

Our Cam Straps Require Less Force

Finally, the patented design of our cam straps makes it, so that they require a lot less force on your part to tighten down securely. You can tug with a moderate grip on the strap rather than pulling it with all your might. That makes an enormous difference in exertion and finesse.

Likewise, a few days spent overlanding is a good way to unwind. Life really isn't so hard to live. While you're on the journey, you don't have to work so hard to soak everything up. You can just be.

We are not afraid to admit that we love overlanding. We also aren't afraid to say that Rollercam cam straps do a better job than others. If you love overlanding as much as we do, we challenge you to put our cam straps to the test.